MARCH 28-31

Sozo definition
to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction
to save one (from injury or peril)
• to save a suffering one (from perishing), i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health
• to preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue -
to save in the technical biblical sense
- to deliver from the penalties of God's judgement
- to save from the evils which obstruct the reception of God's deliverance

at Harvest

Service at 6:30 pm, March 28
We've all had big moments while sitting at tables: that first date, making a business deal, celebrating a lifelong commitment over a special meal, making a life-changing decision, etc.
Maundy Thursday was the day of the Last Supper — the day before He died. Jesus offered His disciples an invitation to a table. What He was inviting them (and us) into was a chance to be a part of something greater than ourselves.
What to expect: We'll worship through music and talk about the Passover and what communion actually means. We will offer communion elements, but there is no expectation that you participate, and you do not have to be a regular at Harvest Church to partake.

Service at 6:30 pm, March 29
What makes Sunday so special is the work accomplished on Friday by Jesus on the cross.
It is helpful to feel the significance of Good Friday as Jesus takes on the full weight of our sin. It deepens the joy and gratitude we feel for the gift of new life with Christ that we celebrate on Easter Sunday.
What to expect: This will be a candlelight Tenebrae service (of sorts). We will envision the environments Jesus was experiencing just before he died and sit in the sadness together. This will be a moving, reflective service with low-key music, a thoughtful message, and prayer.

Services at 6:30 pm, March 30
& 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, March 31
At our Saturday and Sunday services we will celebrate the event that shook the whole world. The Old Testament prophesied about this event hundreds of times. It’s not just a big deal. It’s the biggest deal in all of Christianity!
What to expect: Easter services will be joyful! We will worship the resurrected Jesus and hear a message about doubt. Why was doubt showcased in the Easter Story? Because everyone has doubts. After all, the whole "waking up from the dead" thing sounds far-fetched and a bit zombie-ish. Perhaps Jesus just wasn't ... all the way dead? We know that's not the case. But Christians don't lead doubtless lives, so don't be afraid of your doubts. Doubt is not the enemy of faith. It can lead you into deeper faith, trust, and blessing.