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Congratulations, and thank you
for accepting the NILE Heroes award!

We would like to know a bit more about your life and passions, so we can accurately represent and honor you.

Please provide the following details:

About your life and work:

​Describe the work you do (specifically the work that helps our community) and why you do it. 

If you had a motto, what would it be? This could be a philosophy about your work, a hope for those you counsel, a piece of advice for anyone, or a phrase that is meaningful to you.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Hobbies, interests, passions, distractions.

Please share a bit about your family (including pets, of course). 

We have received your submission.

Thank you!

Past Nile Heroes

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To contact Harvest Church

Office: (406) 259-5648

Mailing address:
1235 W. Wicks Ln

Billings, MT 59105

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Mailing address:

1302 24th St. West #295

Billings, Montana 59102

To contact The NILE
Office: (406) 647-2126

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